Thursday, August 30, 2007

Brunch at the Ritz Carlton Jakarta

Gorgeous Georgia is going through a stage of pulling faces at the camera, where as Chelsea is posing beautifully. On the bottom row, Ben is sucking on a lolly pop shaped like a dummy/pacifier/Binky and Georgia is having a quick cat nap on my lap.

The chocolate ho-down.....Georgia was too lady like to be photographed....

We had our first brunch experience in Jakarta.
Apparently it is "the" thing that you do on Sundays.

Oh my was wonderful.

I had one of those moments where I nearly had to stop and pinch myself to see if it was for real.
I felt like a princess...the kids were looked after royally, we were driven there and home, I ate wonderful food and had Champagne before nightfall.....

We went to The Ritz Carlton in Jakarta, for a wonderful lunch with another family.

The Ritz has a kids club on the third floor for the kids with all sort of fun activities (Georgia came back with blood red finger nails and they all had tattoos ). Because it was three floors away I asked Sari (maid/nanny) to come with us to make sure the kids were ok.

The four adults sat and grazed on the most delicious buffet while our champagne/wine glasses were constantly filled and a wonderful jazz band crooned in the background.

The kids ate upstairs, it was full of kid friendly things like chicken nuggets and spaghetti etc.

They did however leave room for the dessert buffet.....a five tier mega chocolate fountain.
There was strawberries and marshmallows pre-loaded onto skewers for the kids. This wasn't good enough for "Prince" Benjamin, he grabbed a soup bowl and got Sari to fill it for him.

We certainly didn't need any dinner that night.
One other good thing about brunch is that it is CHEAPER than going to Amigos.......
I now know what my preference is.

GJ has been informed that he has to be promoted EXTREMELY quickly, or get a BIG pay rise so we can go back regularly.


  1. Oh how wonderful! Jen, your children are absolutely beautiful! Seriously, very photogenic. Looks like fun was had by all!

  2. wow, i'm surprised that it took you that long for the brunch experience!

    btw, can you send me some info on the indonesian lesson?


  3. Anonymous1:25 am

    I can't believe it was CHEAPER than Amigos! How crazy is THAT?! Next time my family has that usual dilemma ("Amigos/Ritz Carlton? Amigos/Ritz Carlton? Amigos/Ritz Carlton...?") I know which place I'M gonna vote for!!! Hopefully my hubby will agree, although he has the most endearing weakness for good old nachos grande! (Kemchicks has the best selection, by the way!)



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