Saturday, September 01, 2007

I have wirless internet and a broken ankle.....

I have good news and bad.

Lets start with the good, for some reason today my wireless net work decided to work, for the first time ever in Jakarta.

Which is especially good as I now have something to do in bed while my broken ankle heals......

Yes I was out shopping and missed a hidden step and cracked my left ankle. Not a major bone broken just a floating fragment or two and some major ligament damage. Too much swelling at the moment to see much, I will have a MRI next week.

The strongest pain meds we have here is panadol.....I would kill for a panadine forte!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When I am coherent again I will tell you the very funny story of Indonesian emergency ward and patient collection..........

Oh my ball gown for next weeks ball is going to look wonderful with my plaster cast.....GJ said he will get me some diamonties for it...


  1. Anonymous5:01 am

    Hope you'll get better soon :)

  2. Anonymous6:40 pm

    Sorry to hear about your ankle, but we might get some good stories and photo's on your blog over the next couple of weeks. Hope you are not in to much pain and all is ok with the MRI.

    Love Jo

  3. Oh goodness girl, after all the hard work you put into your gown and now you have to wear a cast. I am soo sorry you hurt yourself, I hope it heals quickly.


  4. Ouch, sorry to hear about your ankle. Hope your rest is going well.


I've put word verification on as I'm being bombarded with spam, hopefully I will be able to remove it soon!