Sunday, September 02, 2007

Indonesian wedding.

I was so excited about the wedding we were invited to on Saturday night. It was to be my first Indonesian traditional wedding.
All I got to see was these lovely photos and hear Ben and GJ describe it to me. I stayed at home with my foot elevated and the girls stayed with me to help.

GJ told me how spectacular Lia and Edo looked and how much fun he and Ben had. At the reception the bride and groom sat on the dais and guests walked down the red carpet to greet them. Ben thought that this was great fun and did many "laps". Ben and GJ both wore matching Batik shirts (this is equivalent to a suit and tie) and Ben was once again very popular.

Below here I had a photo of my foot, but I have removed it. It is too disgusting to put on the same page as beautiful wedding photos.

1 comment:

  1. Colorful wedding. Too bad you had your foot elevated :-( but you needed it up.


I've put word verification on as I'm being bombarded with spam, hopefully I will be able to remove it soon!