Sunday, September 09, 2007

2007 ANZA Charity Ball at the Ritz Carlton

We had a wonderful time!!!!!

The dress turned out wonderfully....I hadn't posted about how worried I was about my dress. I had sent out a desperate plea to all my special friends via email when after the first fitting I looked 59yrs old and extremely portly! But all the suggestions and subsequent alterations fixed all the problems.

GJ had a wow of a time....

This is our friend T as she won the major raffle prize of 2 return flights to Europe !!!!!!


  • Managing to colour co-ordinate my ball gown to my wheel chair
  • Friends taking turns to push me around in Champagne fueled speed derby's in my wheel chair, at one point I was driven around the stage and offered for auction.....
  • Being at such a fun table with all my friends.
  • Seeing all the beautiful outfits that people had spent so much time on
  • Once again the Ritz Carlton Jakarta proved to be a wonderful Host, The Grand Ballroom was spectacular.

  • Being seated next to one of the few tables filled with ignorant pigs who smoked inside the ball room all over our table (despite being asked not to), who put out their buts on plates and proceeded to puff on cigars.
  • No dancing.......
  • My poor foot was not impressed by the lack of horizontal activity...I will post a photo tomorrow of how bad "it" looks.....
I couldn't last past 12.30am, my foot was just too sore. Because of "it" (my ankle is too alien like to be part of me, so we call it "It") we had asked our driver to work overtime instead of catching Taxis.
GJ was most impressed by being able to put me in the car safe in the knowledge that I would be ok (except for the bit about dragging my self up two flights of stairs on my bottom in a ball gown...LOL). He was then able to go back upstairs for the midnight supper and dance with all the single women (ones that he knew...not strangers lol).


  1. You looked beautiful and it looked like a lot of fun. I am just sorry about your bummed foot, what stinky timing.


  2. Anonymous7:26 pm

    It was a fantastic night - and Jen, your dress was beautifully coordinated with your wheels! Looking forward to next year. hehe You lasted longer than me - I left at midnight and I didn't have a broken leg!! You go!


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