Sunday, September 09, 2007

Traditional Indonesian massage on a broken ankle

Can you see why we call it "IT"..........
Broken ankle or what...I still had the pedicure for the ball.......

Smile its torture time!

Ibu A working her magic

When my Indonesian friends heard about my ankle they all asked about whether or not I went for a massage before going to the doctors.......I must admit that I thought that they were all out of their minds.......When I was at SOS, silently SCREAMING for drugs an aides identity tags fell and touched my ankle.....I stopped being silent at that could any one bare
having a massage???????

Through a friend we have come in contact with a lovely Indonesian Lady who comes and does massages in your home. When she has a break in her schedule she rings to fit GJ and I in. We usually manage to get 1-2 massages in per month.

I know.....I live the life of a privileged princess....

Ibu A came over today and when she saw my ankle she broke in to a huge, fast paced diatribe of Indonesian which I had no hope of keeping up with.....
I am in big trouble for not calling her last week and I will be suffering for far to long because of this!
No massage for my body, I had one whole hour JUST ON MY FOOT!!!!!!!!!!!
Ibu A is an expert, 220 million Indonesians can't be wrong about the benefits of massage, right???????
Do you like the photo of my face trying to smile.......

Now before I start to describe every iota of pain let me tell you about how I feel now.
It has been 30 min since my massage has finished, I have consumed 2 painkillers and half a glass of wine and my ankle feels REALLY GOOD, or as good as a broken one could feel LOL

Now if I can forget the pain part, it was fascinating to see Ibu A massage the swelling away.
But, it was excruciating....I knew it was doing me good, but I kept leaning forward telling her to stop. The last five minutes were unbelievable...she kept saying lima, sakit and something else....5, sick and ?????
Oh My Goodness, Ibu A grabbed my ankle and did a deep tissue massage....five times....I was counting in Indonesian adding a loud "TIDAK"-no!
But I got all five.......I feel like I am describing some horrible, torturous, corporal punishment regime....

Ibu A is canceling some of her regulars to come back and visit me this week.......She is hoping to get two treatments in this week.....Oh my goodness will the cure be too much!

I also have to get Sarinah to make me a special rice and ginger poultice.......


  1. It's too bad that you had to go to the ball in a wheel chair :-( but your dress looks fine ... and you don't look 59, 39 maybe.

    Massage on a broken ankle. Big ouch comes to mind. I can't imagine how much that hurt.

  2. That ankle does not look good...sorry! You look good, though! get well soon! My DD & I just got out of our sick prison after 2 weeks! Good Luck! :)

  3. Ouch, did you at least get your broken ankle checked out?? Wat did the doctor say about it?? It looks really swollen and puffy. Nice toes though!!

  4. Anonymous12:21 pm

    I wish there were more pics! Or video! That would be even better! Any hope we'll see anything more in the future? This is the only site I can find with broken ankle massage.

  5. Anonymous1:18 pm

    can you give me Ibu A phone number?
    Many skateboarders need help to cure our broken ankle.please give me information how to contact Ibu email is flashtech2003[at]


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