Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Butternut Pumpkins in Indonesia

I am a root vegetable addict.......I will eat potatoes in any style, pumpkin soup is a staple and roast pumpkin and sweet potato (Kumera) is a delicacy that I will never tire of.......
Indonesian pumpkin just doesn't do it for me.
Imported pumpkins are Very, VERY expensive. A small piece of butternut pumpkin can cost around around $5.00

We were in Ranch Market a few weeks ago and we found butternut pumpkin seeds.........for about 11 700 RP ($1.60).
Look at how these are going!!!!!!!!!!!!
We will have wonderful, tasty, homegrown pumpkins soon.

After seeing how well the pumpkins are growing the girls and I have gone back and bought some more seeds. We have now got onions, basil, rosemary, carrots, cauliflower, watermelon and a few other things I have forgotten.....

This is the small plot of land next door that was an overgrown rubbish tip.
The owner said I could use it if I cleared it....so I did. (well I paid someone to do it LOL)
We now have a veggie patch that the kids, our staff and next doors staff can use.
Samino is going to build a bamboo cubby house for the kids once I organize a fence.


  1. I thought butternut, squash anyway, was round. Maybe it's a different thing. Looks like a nice plot of garden you have ready.

  2. Anonymous8:21 pm

    congratulations from an ex-brisbane gardener in Jakarta. Im jealous. Pumpkin a root crop??

  3. Anonymous8:40 am

    wonderful news from the world's greatest gardener, truly, it's sooo outrageous,you've done well! from Julia

  4. I was hoping that no one would notice.......Yes I know pumpkin is not a root veggie.....


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