Friday, September 28, 2007

Nikon D40x verses Canon Rebel XTi DSLR

I have decided to get a new camera.....
I had at least 4 SLR's at home in Australia which I never used as they were film styles.
My Nikon f301 in particular was magnificent and I had some great lenses. But the lens were manual focus and besides who wants to shoot in film any more.

Its all about digital.

It is very funny that I should say this as digital is the reason that GJ and I don't work for Kodak any more......The Film Superstar company is now a washed up has been........You can read my post about it here

I also had 4 digital cameras before we left...we are down to three now.
My latest is not bad, a Casio Exilim EXZ60. The size is EXCELLENT as it fits in my handbag and I take it everywhere, but the quality is not as good as my Kodak DC 6490 (older version of this). The Kodak camera has a Schneider quality glass lens.....and 19yrs @ Kodak taught me that it is all about the lens. The lens gives you the clarity and colour. Cheap glass is like looking through grimy windows, you just can't see clearly.

Now that we are living in one of the most diverse and beautiful countries in the world I think I need a bit of an upgrade.

I have only got two in mine, unless someone else can suggest an alternative.

Nikon Dx40 probably upgrading to the 18-200mm lens....from experience I don't change lens.

Canon Eos 400/Rebel XTi

I started this post yesterday, and have spent lots of time researching and looking for links and am pretty sure that I have decided on the Nikon D40X with the standard kit of 18-55mm + 55-200mm, with an option to upgrade to the 18-200 at a later date.

The Nikon used a SD card, which I prefer over a compact flash card. My laptop only has a sd port, and this is an advantage when traveling.

I used Canon cameras many years ago when I shot studio portraits (before digital and even auto focus lenses had been invented) and used Nikon for outside work; I like the feel of Canons but the results of Nikon's. I have been outside the industry for too long and have not kept up with the technology; so I need some help.....I also don't take photos like a photographer any more, I take photos like a mom with a good eye...LOL
Please fell free to leave a comment or drop me an email with your opinions.

Edit: I got it...Its GREAT, FANTASTIC. I went with the Nikon twin lens kit. First photos here. When the first shoot is done I will link here as well


  1. i got the d40 with the 18-200 vr and love it to bits.

    my impression is that nikon generally gives you better value for money than canon.

    other than that i don't think u can go much wrong with either camera...

  2. I'm not a photographer, but we bought a Casio Exlim EX-S600 a few years ago (time passes quickly). It works for what we need. Our last digital took too long to focus or didn't get it right.

    My boss bought an Olympus Stylus 770SW last week and we tested it out in and out of the pool this week. It seems to work well and take good pictures. The lens door means the lens is recessed. I had a problem with fuzziness on the top of a few pictures. We think it's due to an air bubble that can get caught in the space around the lens, but didn't verify that in the pool.

  3. my birthday is next month and I too have wanted the Nikon you mentioned....


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