Sunday, September 30, 2007

Wedding at Grand Ballroom, Mulia Hotel Jakarta

Wow , that the best description for this wedding.
The grooms father is a major customer of GJ's company.
We had been invited to a family dinner party on the same night and were lucky enough to be able to attend both.
This was a very lavish reception held at the Grand ball room at the Hotel Mulia. This is supposedly the largest ballroom in Asia. The actual wedding ceremony was held earlier in the day and most guest only go the reception. I would take a guess at between 2-3 THOUSAND people attended the reception; the bride and groom shook every single persons hand.
The above group is the wedding party entering the ball room and making their way to the stage.
The entire party were absolutely stunning, the dresses, hair everything was a visual feast.

Once the newlyweds got to the front, a champagne waterfall was created and the cake was cut.
Oh my goodness what a cake!

GJ was in charge of the photos, I couldn't balance my cane, stand up and shoot....
As soon as the family arrived on the dais it was time for the receiving line, I shamelessly used my disability to cut in at the front of the line (GJ was most impressed) as you can imagine it was a huge queue. Once the receiving line was started food was served. Dinner was a buffet; lobster thermidore, sushi, Asian dishes, western dishes...everything you could possibly imagine. The dessert stations were incredible!!!! As we were heading off to a dinner party we only nibbled on a few snacks. The tree in the below photo is made from luscious strawberries, and look at the size of that chocolate fountain. There was no tables and chairs to sit at, it was a stand and mingle affair.
We left early because of our prior engagement. I was sitting in the foyer waiting for the car and
was amazed at the stream of people still arriving for the wedding.

I was most impressed by being able to wear my new ball gown again, twice in one month!
My walking stick wasn't as colour co-ordinated to my dress as my wheel chair was at the ANZA ball!
We went on to our party and continued on till way past the kids and my bedtime....
We had a great night, the Indonesian society wedding was fabulous as was the dinner party with our friends.


  1. Anonymous6:35 pm

    A grand experience all round. Classy.
    Rats? they're not the best,but the barking Gecko takes some beating. They are truly unbelievably noisy!
    Good diet with vitamins and goodies is the prescription -healthwise. Julia.

  2. Holy cow! What a wedding, what a bride, what a cake! =) I can't imagine attending a wedding like that. You looked amazing, as always. I really, really love that dress!

  3. What a spread. That cake is HUGE. Standing and mingling would take some of the fun out of it, especially the extremely long receiving line. That's the kind of thing where being with someone helps, because someone can shuttle food to the other. Of course, you didn't have to worry about that with your recovering ankle and cane. Good deal.

  4. Anonymous10:53 pm

    I've been to that kind of 'grand wed' too for some times. at first, i was totally amused especially with those many peoples, the line-up just to congratulate the newlyweds, the cakes, the decorations, blah blah...but afterall, most weddings are like that in Jakarta..

  5. When you're living in Jakarta, Yes, grand wedding like this are normal and sometimes necessary for their social profile. The minimum invitee for Mulia Hotel are 1000 invites (which means 2000peoples)

    I sometimes think, it might be more luxurious than hollywood wedding :)


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