Thursday, October 25, 2007

Back.....albeit briefly

Wow, what a week or two!

We arrived back in Jakarta late on Sunday night and I have been in a flurry of business ever since.

I don't think I have answered an email for two weeks...., I think I might have time a week Thursday LOL.

If it is you that is waiting, whoops sorry.

I have heaps of posts in my head and no time to write them.

And photos......I have over 1500 to sort through just for October!

My main focus this week has been integrating all the new students into my already packed schedule as well as taking school photos for the entire junior school.

It is Chelsea's birthday today....(her very own post to follow) so I have also been whipping up a few dozen cup cakes.

Hopefully regular bloggy schedule will resume soon.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:12 pm

    Chelsea HAPPY 7th Birthday, have a great day, hope you get everything you wanted. Wish we could all be there with you.
    Love Uncle Ronnie, Aunty Jo, Sarah & Jeremy.



I've put word verification on as I'm being bombarded with spam, hopefully I will be able to remove it soon!