Saturday, October 27, 2007

Jakarta International Airport

We arrived back into Jakarta last Sunday evening, at around 7pm. Last Sunday evening was the last day of the Idul Fitri holidays.
I knew the airport would be always is, but why did the airport operators not also realise this and take steps.
We have arrived enough times now to know the correct procedure.......
Get off the plane and RUN as fast as you can to immigration, as the queue gets bigger by the second.
Bad luck if you have to join the huge queue to get your visa on arrival first!
Immigrations are staffed with stony-faced, slow methodical people. Oh I wish I had a diplomatic passport........they get a special fast non-queue.
So on Sunday, after we beat our way off the second last row of seats in the plane (yes, cheap tickets and always get shunted to the back) we race down to the immigration counter to find this....... By the time we had advanced a little the queue was up the steps and stretching into the arrivals corridor.
We were lucky and got a relativity fast moving line, so we only had to wait for 45 min to get through. This meant we then only had to wait an extra ten minutes for the luggage.
I think the thing that annoyed me the most was that only half the counters were open.

I was a hot, tired, hobbling, cranky lady by the time we got through and then faced the chaos that was the parking lot ( well it wasn't it-was a car dump, just stop your car and leave it where you like) and the men that think that because they lift a bag into your car (with out being asked- actually with being asked not too) and then demand more than the 20 000rp that I had given them.......

So lets summarise
  • Lufthansa air, lucky they were cheap tickets, serviced was poor.
  • Immigrations, I knew the queue would be extra bad, why didn't they
  • Luggage, an hour isn't too long to wait????
  • Thugs who extort money... (and GJ who always lets me handle them...)
  • 30 minutes to be able to actually exit the car park due to jams
  • No water in car for thirsty kids ( not much open at airport)
At least our driver, Mr Yadi was there waiting for us with a big smile on his face and when we got home Sarinah and Samino had also arrived home from their holidays and got everything ready for us.

Now if you think I am being mean to Jakarta airport, don't worry I am equally scathing of Australian international airports, particularly Brisbane.

But the best ever is Singapore airport........It is a jewel in the crown of international airports......I could spend days there.


  1. I have been to Singapore Airport and at three AM with hardly a soul in the place there are loads of staff ready and waiting to give you a pen that say "do not work illegally here" or something like that! I do love Singapore and appreciate the tip you left on your blog as far as the apartment goes.
    Just started blogging and am looking around for travelers and those with interests close to mine. AND you read Gabaldon? too cool.

  2. just found your blog and couldn't stop reading your journals. i find it interesting, because I'm an Indonesian who has been living in Australia (Emerald, QLD)for a year and a half.
    thank you for sharing the moment :)


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