Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Pumpkins are not root vegetables, nor are they growing here.

Remember back here when I joyfully announced that we were going to be inundated with delicious butternut pumpkins.......

I got it

I kept looking out the window, drooling at the thought of baked pumpkin and creamy soup....
Now I can walk...well hobble.....I went to investigate......
Samino kept nodding when I remark on how good the "pumpkins" look.

Samino doesn't speak much English....

Sarinah finally let me now why the pumpkins aren't fat.....they are not pumpkins!!!!!!

Apparently the pumpkin died ages ago and Samino planted loofahs instead !

Loofahs are great , buy you can't eat them !

The rest of the shots are of the land next door which we cleared. All the plants are growing, the rains should start soon which will give everything a big boost as well.


  1. I shudder at the thought of rain here. When it rains it absolutely POURS! Include flooding and traffic to the equation its mass hysteria!

    Btw, do make a trip to Senayan City and take the kids to the Cream & Fudge Factory. They'll love seeing their ice cream made to their request. Slightly expensive though but well worth the experience.

  2. you should try cooking them. they're potentially delicious.

    or even better, fermentation. the trick is to add a lil palm sugar into the mix. As wooden barrels are hard to find, you might want to try glassware coated with cinnamon to flavor it a little

  3. Ahhh. That's why the earlier pictures of your pumpkins didn't look like pumpkins.

  4. The Indonesian pumpkin is called labu, right? Is that what you planted or seeds you brought of Australian pumpkin?

    You might have better luck with labu, if that's not what you planted already.


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