Friday, November 09, 2007

Duty free alcohol in Jakarta

There is another problem at the moment with getting a bottle of wine. Some crack down has occurred...or bribe whoops I mean payment has not been paid.

You can not enter the duty free/wine shops at the moment unless you have a diplomatic kitas card.

Unfortunately stocks were running a little low at home.

Friend to the rescue!

My friends husband works at an embassy here in Jakarta and took me shopping. When her choir group heard about it they all came too..........

10 women all with filled trolleys all saying "we are with her".

The official that was supervising was humming and harring and kept saying no more but we all got through. This was especially fortunate as I was the last in the queue!

Hopefully the correct payment will be made and the right documents filed and the duty free business will be back in operation before the festive season.

There is another non duty free shop in Kemang, Vin+ don't bother ..the shelves are almost empty.


  1. Anonymous10:17 pm

    Yes, it caught me out too. Went to Kemang Duty Free when we were nearly empty and got turned away.

    I'm surprised Vin+ are empty, at their prices - US$30 for a bottle of cheap wine, US$60 for a decent one. It's cheaper in the hotel restaurants!

  2. Hi there, I am from Colorado and now living in Jakarta and I am also running low.. How else can you find a decent price of vodka or wine? Went to Vin+ and they charged me 3 times the actual real price of a bottle and I was actually lucky cause I went to Kem and they let me buy when I showed them my French Passport.. the only prob is their hours are always up and down. I tried to call today but he said they are closing. Urgh.. I guess I have to go to Pacific place again.

    Thanks for your help :)) hope you can update us on where else to buy? thanks again


I've put word verification on as I'm being bombarded with spam, hopefully I will be able to remove it soon!