Friday, November 09, 2007

Ball Gowns in Jakarta

It is Ball season here in Jakarta.

And as all women know, you simply must have a new gown for each ball LOL.

No you don't, but you do need more than one!

I decided for the upcoming ball I would like to find a ready made one, hopefully cheaper than what I could get one made for. We are the poor Australian expats, the ones who aren't in the banking or oil industries.

My first foray was to Pondok Indah Mall- Dismal. There was plenty of tiny sizes, zero my size.
I met a nice American lady who was also gown shopping to no avail. This is my favorite mall in Jakarta.

Next attempt was the city, Plaza Indonesia...even more dismal. This time there was plenty to choose from IF you were a prepubescent tween shaped woman.....In the end I just went straight to the sales assistants and asked if there was anything in their shop that would fit me. A few staff members managed to keep a straight face and say no...most burst out laughing and sniggering I KID YOU NOT!
Even if there was something that would of fitted me I couldn't of afforded them. One shop had stunning creations that started at 10 Million, that would be just under AU$1500.

Last attempt was Pasaraya Grande. stock and huge range of sizes. I got a ready made, perfectly fitting, black, full length ball gown for 350 000RP. This is about AU$45. This dress also match's some shoes I already own....GJ is most impressed! I have the dress at the tailors this week lowering the neckline a little which will cost less than $10.


  1. Anonymous10:10 pm

    Thanks for this. We are new arrivals in Jakarta and our shipment is not here yet and we have been wondering where to get a gown for a ball next week. Will have a look!

  2. Hi Jen,

    Sometimes you can find more varieties in Pasaraya, but you have to really careful take a look one by one.

    And the best part is, they have 1 full floor for Indonesian handicraft. Happy hunting

  3. Do take a peek at :)


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