Friday, November 09, 2007

Shoes in Jakarta

I bought a new pair of shoes last week and have realised that I have just hit a milestone moment in my life.

I bought a sensible comfortable pair of shoes........................
I went out expressly to buy the aforementioned shoes........

OH NO I am not a shoe aficionado any more!

Since my ankle is still swollen and sore I need support. I need comfort.

Hi my name is Jen and I wear sensible shoes.

I think it will be at least another six months until I can wear high heals again and little strappy numbers have proven not at all suitable for Jakarta. (I was wearing my Crocs when I broke my ankle)

And speaking of broken ankles, guess who is a big copy cat.....

Rob is,
he was plucked from the ocean last week and now has a plate and 12 pins holding his ankle together.........He was given drugs at hospital (not like me, I am quite jealous) but is now at home mastering crutches. He is still coming for Christmas though!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, sorry to hear about Rob. comfortable shoes rule. Remember Cybil Shepard (the actress?) coming out in her pretty pretty dress and tennies. She knew then what we are learning now =)

    Just letting you know I am alive and kicking, thanks for checking in on me my friend.



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