Sunday, January 13, 2008

Chillies by Nikon DX40

I am just loving my new Nikon.
Even GJ is getting into it.
I was always the one who took all the photos, now I have to ask for the camera while we are touring.

I would really recommend this camera. I do want the 18-200 mm lens though, it would be so much more versatile (I don't like changing lens while out, I am paranoid about dirt and damage).
Maybe for next Christmas.


  1. :-)

    May you need two of them.

  2. You sound like my husband. He bought the Dx40 and now is saving to buy the 18-200 lens.

  3. I have the D40 and I love it. I am with you on the 18-200mm it is a great lense. I still find it hard to pay 7-8 million for it. Maybe it will just show up one day in my camera bag.


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