Friday, January 11, 2008

Ubud monkey forest.

Ubud monkey forest.

We have hired a car and driver for 2 days in Bali and one of the great places we went to was the Monkey Forest at Ubud.

I have a very sound philosophy on animals; there are humans, dogs and horses everything else is a critter and I don’t deal with critters.

I can admire some critters, look at them fondly, but have no desire to touch them.

Do a quick check of my archives to see how snakes, sheep, HUGE spiders, rats, mice etc like to come INTO my home.

The kids do not always share my beliefs…….hence a great visit to the Ubud Monkey Forest.

The monkeys are slightly evil…..they picked on Ben cause he was little.
Nasty little faces hissing and spitting with teeth bared. Whoops my bias is coming out LOL.

The grounds were wonderful, serene tranquil and oh so green.
There are few temples throughout the well maintained gardens.

The kids were spooked by a few big males and started to use their purchased bananas as missiles to scare away any monkey that came too close.

More adventures to come…….


  1. The temples would be interesting to visit and see all the sculptures on them, but the monkeys? Nooo.

  2. you should go to Medan and see the orangutans. Life sized critters :D

  3. Visiting Ubud is recommended for those who want to learn about the heritage culture of Bali, Balinese arts and traditional performances. Your information is very useful for others. Travelers may find it easy to have information about Ubud and its surrounding including booking Bali hotels and villas.


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