Friday, January 11, 2008

Odysseys surf school, Kuta

GJ finally got to introduce the girls to his childhood passion…surfing!

We both grew up on the beach; me on Sydney’s Northern beaches and GJ on Queensland’s Bribie Island in a house 50 m from the surf. Going to the beach and surfing or watching friends surf was a way of life.

The girls childhood has been quiet beach-less.
Brisbane is on a river and a the closest surf beach is over an hours drive away.
Jakarta has surf beaches within a three to four hours drive….little bit too far for a quick surf.

We found a brochure for surf school on arrival at the airport, the girls were cautiously excited, GJ was filled with enthusiasm.

After leaving me with a tired, screaming, tantrum throwing, disappointed boy they set off in the surf school bus. Ben swimming is not up to Kuta beach and surfing this year, he was not impressed!

The instructor, Ketut was excellent; happy, friendly, calm and patient. Georgia was a little hesitant but soon forgot her fears and took to it like a pro. GJ went in too and helped one while the instructor was with the other girl.
I couldn’t watch……I prefer to have my kids in full life vests surrounded by a team of life guards in water no deeper than knee high. So watching them surf at Kuta beach was not so good for my sanity.

GJ was very impressed with the surf school, we would definitely use them again as well as recommend them. The girls now insist that we cancel all activities for the rest of our visit to Bali and just surf…….
The school also has a photographer and sells CD’s of images at the end. CD was 200 000RP ($25) for approx 90+images.

Chelsea surfing
Georgia surfing

I will update the photos when home, I need my colour balanced lcd screen to edit...... these look so light on my laptop.

1 comment:

  1. Kids like to have fun in the water :-)

    The pictures do look a bit washed out, as you mentioned.


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