Wednesday, January 09, 2008

First impressions of Bali

Blue sky
Brown flesh….

We arrived in Bali at lunch and went straight to our villas (wonderful).
We all noticed straight away the lovely blue sky. In Jakarta the sky is perpetually filled with a brown haze of pollution.
The next thing I noticed was the amount of skin showing on passerby’s……I did not realize how accustom I had become to the modest Muslim dress codes. It was like walking down Surfers Paradise…..people in the skimpiest clothing all tanned to deep brown.

Our Villa is lovely, a private 2 bedroom house with a pool and cabana. The privacy is wonderful, we can lock the entrance gate and no one can come in or see us. I didn’t realise how much I missed true privacy.
It was wonderful to swim and lounge on the deck chairs reading magazines with out being watched.

We are staying on the “eat street” of Seminyak, the whole street is filled with wonderful restaurants.
Our first dinner was at Ultimo Italian Restaurant, DELICIOUS! The food was great and very reasonable. We definitely want to go back there.


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