Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Pasaraya Grande

I have a really feel-good story about Pasaraya Grande.

We had a small shopping marathon with Tan, Rob, GJ and myself just before Christmas. We split up; Tan and I one way and the men the other.
As Robs ankle was still very tender we thought that the boys would be finished way before us (we actually thought we could do Seneyan City as well).
After about 1.5 hours Tan and I were laden down with just a few bags…LOL….we met up with the boys and gave them our shopping bags as they were taking the car and going home. After another hour we ran in to the guys (they were still drooling over the mens shoes…any one that knows these two would understand how out of character it is for them to be shopping let alone drooling over shoes!
We all had lunch and went home to view our great sale purchases. I had a few pairs of SENSIBLE shoes ( I love Rockport!) and Tan with half of this years collection of ladies Polo shirts….or so she thought!
Tan had finally managed to find the ultimate blue pin strip ladies business shirt in her size (we had searched most of Jogjakarta and Jakarta for said garment).
When we arrived home we found a bag missing, the bag that contained the ultimate Ralph Lauren shirt….
The guys shrugged and denied all responsibility…..but we knew, girls do not loose shopping bags of on sale merchandise.
Two days later we head back to Pasaraya Grande to repurchase the ultimate blue pin striped ladies business shirt and on a off chance check with the section to see if it had been handed in. It hadn’t but they referred us to customer enquires who didn’t have it either but referred us to customer service who DID have it!

There was much hand shaking and thanks going on in this room (we did stop off on our way home from a champagne brunch at the Ritz Carlton).
It was so nice to have our faith in honesty reaffirmed.

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