Wednesday, January 09, 2008

New Years Eve 2007 to 2008

I sort of missed it……

I mentioned before that I wasn’t feeling too good after Christmas, I was worried that Typhoid had returned. But luckily it hadn’t!
I was a tiny bit taken aback when the Dr chuckled and started to joke about how many different types of bacteria I was playing host to. So yet another course of antibiotics were needed, this time I have found some pro-biotics and multi vitamins to assist in my recovery.

I can’t not remember ever being as sick and in pain as often as I have since Sept 1st (broken ankle day).
It is lucky we love living in Indonesia and can easily forgive all the health atrocities it has inflicted.

So New Years Eve…….I missed out on a ring side seat to a magnificent fireworks display, great company, nice food and quite a few bottles of Moet champagne………
I stayed at home…with four kids (GJ had a great time at the party next door but forgot that 4 kids can’t look after themselves). Don’t worry, he is not in trouble for wrongly assuming that those 4 kids (age 4 to 9) would just go to bed unassisted like he told them to do at 10pm………Ben finally agreed to get into bed with me at 11.30 so I could sleep (no idea what those 3 girls did…LOL).

So 2008 started with a fizzle for me , LOL. But I have high expectations for the rest of 2008.

I am looking forward to Bali in mid January, Sydney and Brisbane in March, and one other exotic new adventure in the summer holidays.

I have reduced my working to two days a week this year and hope to pick up a few courses at JICC just for me. Cooking, painting, languages, things that are creative and fun.

I am still contemplating going back to uni and completing a teaching degree ( I am a work place trainer ie adult educator, plus I have speech therapy background which I use at the kids school in return for fee relief). None of my diplomas are recognized as credit points for teaching so it would mean 4 years full time long distance education, which I don’t know that I want to commit to. This might be a 2009 project.

So 2008.…..bring it on!

I can’t wait to learn more of the language of Indonesia ands explore some of the other islands.


  1. Starting at uni in 2009 seems like a better plan over the long-distance thing. A lot of work, but it sounds like it will be worth it for you.

  2. Anonymous10:36 am

    Hi Jen, Cora started a Diploma of Education through Murdoch university Perth at the beginning of 2007. Requires 3 visits to Perth for workshops, the study load is heavy, but she got through it by the end of the year.
    Having home help to take care of the daily running of the house certainly helps! She is now a qualified teacher and hopes to be working fulltime soon.
    If you need further information, let me know.


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