Sunday, February 17, 2008

British International School, Jakarta

We went to a great function last night at the British International School here in Jakarta.
This would be the school I would send the kids to if we had an unlimited schooling is magnificent. (it is also more than double the cost per year than our current school +/- $us50K pa).

We attended the Chinese New Year celebration picnic.
There was a Chinese dinner buffet, with dragon dancing, tai chi and a fantastic fireworks display all on a large grassy area. The weather was particularly good, it was a balmy, rainless evening.
The kids had a ball, we hardly saw them all night. The just ran all night with their friends. We sat in a large group and chatted (and drank a little wine...).

I forgot the no pictures :-(

Here is the link to see the school
The facilities and resources are excellent, as is the academic reputation.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:18 am

    our children also study in BIS. year 9 and 12.
    Nice to see you here.



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