Sunday, February 17, 2008

Nikon (Nikkor )18-200mm AF-s DX VR lens

I received a combined Valentines and early birthday present!!!!!! (March the 5th...)

I got i!!!!!!!!!!!! I got it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and it was a surprise!!!!!!

GJ bought me my dream lens, the 18-200mm.

This means no more changing lens, this lens does it all!

I have had only had about 5 minutes to play with this lens so far...these are the results.
I did take photos of the kids, all with their eyes closed or closing and a very sharp emphasis on runny noses....I will try again later.

First opinion......

  • A heavier lens than I expected, the weight was the first thing I felt; however this is a very big lens and is to be expected. This is considered to be one of the lightest lens around.
  • Focusing: slightly different to what I am use to, when I viewed these results the focusing point was different to what I was aiming for. This will only take a short while for me to get use to.

Once again the best deal was from JPCKemang


  1. u'll get used to the extra weight pretty quick. make sure u get a filter to protect it tho!! :)

  2. Sounds like a great but tiring one for the kids and, with your new lens, you will need more wall space.

  3. oh that's wonderful - you'll have so much fun with it!

  4. The photos look amazing..

    Congrats for the present ;)


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