Sunday, February 17, 2008

Blog posts I am too busy to write...

Another great night at Amigos (note the gorgeous Miss K asleep where she landed on edge of the dance floor)

Another WONDERFUL brunch at the Ritz (well except for this horrific moment)
The FREE kids club is a huge hit with all the kids!
I met another nice manager on this visit, I love how everyone remembers us and looks after us. Pak Irwan (our favourite waiter) makes a beeline for Ben as soon as we arrive and looks after him. I have a favourite table soon as I book and say it is Mrs Jenny (our surname, whilst simple, is not phonetic and is hard to spell) the lovely ladies ask if I want my usual table!

Our car is the DVD car, it is the most popular. So I was lucky enough to be the adult supervisor on the way home from the Ritz and got to watch (for the 1000th time) the highly unsuitable and stupid Avatar show.

The girls were promised a Princess package during the Christmas holidays...we finally got a round to taking them. A princess package is a manicure and pedicure with x2 nail art for little girls.... oh my goodness they were in heaven!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jen, I just wanted to stop by and say "thanks" for your thoguhts on my blog. I appreciate the support form my blog-pals when I am freaking out. So hugs to you.


I've put word verification on as I'm being bombarded with spam, hopefully I will be able to remove it soon!