Thursday, February 21, 2008

Ibu Sabine

I was introduced to a lovely elderly German lady last year, Ibu Sabine.
Sabine and her husband moved to Indonesia in 1962 and have the most amazing collection of Indonesian art and furniture. Sabine's dream was to retire with a business restoring and selling furniture and objet d'art.
Unfortunately her husbands failing health has made this impossible. Sabine is selling off her collection to finance a move back to Germany to get the appropriate health care for her husband.

Most of the building materials:- original carved doors, stained glass, teak windows etc have been sold. There are still many chairs tables etc. Every time I visit there is something new to look at.
As it is still the rainy season most of the art is still in storage. Come March Sabine is going to get out the art and batik for viewing.
Sabine has had a man working for her since she arrived many years ago and she has trained him in restoration. Once you decide on purchasing something Pak Atmore will schedule the work and call when finished.

Before shots
After shots

Ibu Sabine is relying on word of mouth to get customers and lives in South Jakarta, in the vicinity of the zoo. If you, or someone you know is interested in being introduced to Sabine please email me and I will pass on the contact details. Sabine, naturally, is fluent in Bahasa Indonesian, German and English.


  1. Anonymous12:09 am

    Spectacular pieces!

  2. Her guy did a great job restoring them.


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