Tuesday, July 22, 2008

More of the wonderful Sambolo beach

We have had another wonderful few days on the west coast of Java at Sambolo beach resort. Sambolo is about 11km north of Carita beach.

This is the kids swimming around the corals and rocks at the beach. The water was lovely and clear, unfortunately with all the fires burning in Asia at the moment you could not see the horizon let alone the magnificent Anak Krakatoa volcano.
This rock formation was exposed at low tide and GJ found a little hole that formed a blow hole. The kids thought that it was AMAZING!!!!!
When the wave went out it was about knee deep down to the sandy sea bed.
When the wave came in, WHOOSKA!

I have mentioned that we have a strong family sun protection policy ( remember the stupid man and his rickets comment LOL) and everybody has to be out of the sun between 11am and 2.30pm. We keep thinking up new craft activities to keep 6 kids amused. This time we added play dough and jelly making to our usual painting, drawing, clay and dvd's. It was a big success and was devoured in 90 seconds flat.

We did our usual trip to the local fish market and this time took the all kids. All were entertained except poor Georgia who was very underwhelmed by the sights and smells.
Once everyone got over the shock of a car driven by two blondes with 6 blonde kids in the back they were all keen to advise us on the best fish and seafood for our BBQ. It was all divine......Red snapper, prawns, octopus, baby lobsters.
The only downside was I was unable to wind down the window to tip the road boy, while changing gears and listening to dancing frog at a million decibels (not by choice, mind you!) and glide out smoothly before being hit by a speeding truck....yes I did car bunny hops to dancing frogs in a black kijang...and missed all trucks and pedestrians.

I love these shots...as it is summer holidays (local schools as well as expats) the beach was deserted. We had our usual bungalow and were gob smacked when a bus arrived and set up outside the only inhabited section of the bay...right outside our bungalow. All was fine until until the motor boat arrived to cash in on all the new potential clients. This is a motor-sports free beach and my feisty friend was quick to remind them of this. Once the boat was gone the kids were able to safely get back into the water and make new friends.

More stories to follow....if I get the internet back on......


  1. Anonymous1:50 pm

    I just love your blog and looking at your beach photos! We are landlocked here in Nebraska and I've never been able to visit the ocean -- yet! Never say never! What a lovely place you live in! Take care!


  2. Oh my Kirsten

    I can't imagine not having been to the ocean...
    I quickly goggled Nebraska to see where you are (American geography is not taught in Aussie schools......).

    I grew up on the beaches of Sydney and sort of take it for the ocean granted.

    Nebraska looks so diverse from the internet.....I loved the temperature spread (once I worked out how to convert c to f).You really have a summer as well as a winter.

    I would love to visit the states and go on an old fashioned road trip some day.

  3. Anonymous1:32 am

    Well, stop by when you get to do your road trip! We'll show you our corn, soybean, and cattle farm! We do live beside a beautiful sandy river and that's nice to take a dip in -- especially when it's 100 degrees with 90% humidity! Yikes! Take care.



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