Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Anza Ball, Jakarta 2008

The annual Anza ball was held last Saturday at the Ritz Carlton (20.09.08). We all had a wonderful night! It was a credit to the organizing committee.
These kids were from the New Zealand school and kicked of the show with an amazing Haka performance.

The entertainment was very diverse; Dr Harry Darsono performed and showcased his Haute Couture collection, the Batavia Dance Group were wonderful, as were the Salsa and Flamenco dancers. Opera singer, Christine Tambunan voice was breath taking, truly wonderful.

DJ Kate was wonderful, she played music that was perfect for the majority of guests...mostly over 30+ lol.

It was nice to be able to walk and dance at this ball, last year I was in a wheel chair with a broken ankle....We just made it home by 3am.


  1. Anonymous2:17 pm

    Hi Jenny & Greg,

    Long time no talk! I tried to email you once, when we got your Christmas letter, but had no luck with the address I tried. I lost your letter, have been having a clean out, so found it again with your blog site and email addresses.

    I'm glad the ankle is all better - no fun dancing at the ball with your leg in plaster. You both look really well and wonderful in the photos. My news is that we had another baby after all this time - a little girl called Natalie Sylvia, born August 14th, so Maddy is just delighted and is a great little mother. Maddy has been away in Hervey Bay, whale watching with her cousin this week, and I've really missed being able to hand Natalie over to her for burping, nappy changing and generall cuddles! Jamie is still too small to hold her properly so he hasn't been too helpful in Maddy's absence.

    Anyway, my QUT email still works - I'm on leave till Feb 09, or I can keep checking your bog now that I know where to find it!

    See you - love Sue, Ian, Maddy, Jamie and Natalie Whatman!

  2. Anonymous1:34 am

    Looks like fun!!!! Good times with good friends -- nothing better!


  3. OOOOOOH! So jealous! This looks like such a fantastic experience. And fun! Let's not forget The Fun!

  4. Anonymous4:59 pm

    i like your dress, shows off your great melons!


I've put word verification on as I'm being bombarded with spam, hopefully I will be able to remove it soon!