Tuesday, September 16, 2008

My very first uni result

I just received my first result (still waiting on 5 more) from university.

I am doing the happy dance, I got a high distinction!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is going to be a very costly result......the very 1st person (ok I told my BF at the same time LOL) I told, sent back an immediate reply of:You are trying to hard.

Now after this debacle, and now this comment there is some serious crawling to do.....
Pack mule aka Jackass is still in deep trouble.

But OMGoodness, I got a high distinction!!!!!!!!!

I have started a private (you need my permission to view- I will share) blog of all my uni work, called originally:

Bachelor of Education, Primary


  1. Anonymous2:43 pm

    You didn't send it to my Hubs did you, that is what he would say. We used to physically leave exams when we knew we had passed the subject (yes, that is why they have a minimum time to stay rule). But that was when we were young.
    If you enjoyed the process, you didn't try too hard. If you stressed yourself out, then you did.
    Only you know.
    What am I? Miss advice giver today.

  2. Anonymous7:11 am

    Woo hoo!! Good for you! Congrats!


  3. Great news, Jen! Well done!

    BTW - I am not shutting down my blog. I decided that I acted hastily out of pure emotion - so I refuse to let one person stop me from sharing our journey with the world.

    xx Blondie


I've put word verification on as I'm being bombarded with spam, hopefully I will be able to remove it soon!