Sunday, November 09, 2008

Latin Ball, Shangri-La Jakarta

We had a wonderful night at the 30th Latin Carnaval Ball at the Shangri-La Hotel, Jakarta.

I was writing an email to my friend telling her all about the ball and the thing that most sprung to mind as my favourite part of the night was that the ball room was non smoking and the rule was enforced.

It was so nice to have fresh air!!!!!!

The Spanish Speaking Womens Association did some awe inspiring dances, they were fantastic. There was a professional dancer that managed to move her hips in ways that I did not think was possible. I would love to be able to dance like that!

I met a new friend from my blog: Hi James, welcome to Jakarta!

We left relatively early, we had to catch a taxi home and I did not want to be roaming the streets of Jakarta on the night they executed the Bali Bombers.

It is going to be an interesting few weeks in Indonesia now that they have been executed, there are already reports of an angry mob at the burial sites.


  1. How fun does that look? I once again am in AWE of your life!

  2. We went to the ball here in Frankfurt, the Marine Corps Ball. I thought of you every time someone took my picture. You advice about how to take a good picture must have worked because the pictures of me are not totally awful for a change.
    I never made it to the Latin Ball but I have heard from many that is a lot of fun.

  3. Anonymous2:04 am

    Looks like you all had a great time!!


  4. Looks like you and the other half had a good time.

    The wife and I must mix in the wrong circles as we never get invites to these great events ;)

    The enforcing of a smoking ban is impressive! I do hear though that there is to be an attempt to highlight non-smoking areas in the very near future.

    I am not a smoker so the idea of non-smoking areas is appealing.

  5. WOW! That looks like so much fun. It must be so exciting living in Jakarta. Maybe Palembang will be a little livelier next year now that I know more people. Hopefully they will still remember me when I get back end of the year.

    Did you live in Chermside previously? I was just there a couple of weeks ago. The mall is HUGE and the 7th Brigade Park next to it was like heaven to my little son :)


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