Saturday, November 08, 2008

One Word Wonders meme

This meme was from my bloggy friend Kaci at Wipe the Seat.....

I have to answer one word questions.

1. Clothes: Like them, like them a lot.

2. Furniture: I would rather buy furniture than shoes!

3. Sweet: Only GOOD chocolate, never lollies. No sugar added to anything.

4. City. Jakarta now, previously Brisbane and Sydney. On my wish list: China (Beijing, Shanghai), Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, St Petersburg, Vietnam, Boston, Seattle, Canada………

5. Drink: Soda water, water, coffee, white wine. That’s it…..nothing else, oh and at least 4 litres a day.

6. Music: very eclectic… favourites: Ella Fitzgerald, George Michael, Chris Isaac, Robbie Williams, Karen Carpenter (I know very embarrassing to admit, but of her voice is wonderful). I have nearly 9000 songs on itunes, yet I listen to the same stuff over and over.

7. TV Series: Just discovered Weeds, how could I have missed this for so long. I love Torchwood, Lost, Outrageous Fortunes (
New Zealand), Little Britain. I watch all on DVD, with no commercials. I don’t actually watch live TV.

8. Film: Hardly every go to the cinema, DVD’s are available with in a week for less than a dollar.

9. Workout: what does this mean???????????????????? Work, study, kids……when?? Occasionally on my treadmill.

10. Pastries: no, almost never.

11. Coffee: I love it but only instant coffee, Moccona by choice. No cappuccinos, frappothingies lol. Just quality, freeze dried instant. I live in Java…the home of coffee…….yet I buy my coffee in
Australia and bring it here in zip loc bags.

Please consider yourself tagged!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! You played! I wasn't sure if you'd seen the invite.


I've put word verification on as I'm being bombarded with spam, hopefully I will be able to remove it soon!