Thursday, December 04, 2008

The six seasons!

I mentioned back in November that we were starting class focus on the six seasons...yes there are six seasons, well at least if you are in my classes lol.
Here in the tropics, it is hot and wet or hot and dry. For the kids who have grown up in this part of the world, spring, autumn and winter are unknown seasons.
We have had the best fun learning and researching about seasons and making our display.
It is a big concept for the kids to grasp that December is winter in the Northern hemisphere and summer in the Southern.

Our next bit of end of year fun was 3d snow flakes. I found the instructions on Becks blog last year, but I can't find the link now:(

Here are instructions from another source)

I can not tell you how many of these cute things I have made, how many instruction sheets I have handed out, how many have been made in the playground or at kids homes.........but I would guess at thousands! We have found that using recycled paper makes a great looking snowflake; woman's magazines and newspapers work well. In Australia we will be buying some red and green paint and splashing old newspapers to make snowflakes then decorating with them.


  1. Wow! What a beautiful crafts!

  2. They're so pretty in bright colours! The link to the instructions at my site is someplace last December, I think.

  3. I never would have thought to make snowflakes in those colors, but I must admit they are GORGEOUS!

  4. Anonymous5:54 pm

    Hello Jen, you do not know me, I used to live in Jkt, and coming back next year to live in Bali from the UK. It is beautiful to see the lovely life you make for yourself and your beautiful family, best wishes, and keep blogging.
    Brigitte Sumner


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