Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Sambolo Sanitarium

We just got back from a wonderful 4 day weekend at Sambolo.
We had Christmas carols, decorations, crackers and dvds!

I really needed a chill out!

Jakarta has been driving me crazy the last few weeks, probably why I haven't written too much on the blog lately......
  • The lack of any wine under $50 a bottle,
  • alot of imported foods gone,
  • Exponential price rises across the board,
  • The blonde tax.........times the price by 1000 for the 'bule' (westener) mentality,
  • Trades people who fix a leaky toilet by painting the ceiling.
  • Doing all the washing, cleaning, ironing, cooking etc in a 3rd world country while working part time and studying full time----very different to doing it in Australia.
(yes, I have no staff........January I will be looking for some help)

I do not like to feel so negative!

I need a break so I can come back and rediscover all the joys of Indonesia!

The kids and I will be spending a few weeks in Sydney over Christmas, we all can not wait to go to a supermarket and gaze at all the available foods (we will feel at home as the local fruit shop sells imported tropical fruit including durian!)


  1. Things arent quite that bad here yet food wise although prices jumped during the airport closures in Thailand and are still inching up (like we wouldnt notice!) and of course peoples incomes have dropped with the US, Kiwi, Aussie dollars etc. We have the same fit it men has an amazing number of how to videos thank god! I can relate to the need for a break though. we wont be going home for another 6 months which will make it 2 1/2 years (too long I know) but we are managing a week in Singapore so even if Mac doesnt get to see his NZ friends he can hang out with his Singapore friends and see a movie or five. Merry Christmas have a lovely time in Oz

  2. There are your pretty 3-D snowflakes. Looks like a great time away.

  3. I am glad you got a chance to get out of the city! I know there were times I really needed the sailing club to recharge my mental batteries. I hope it gets better soon, in the meantime have fun in Australia!

    Having staff again to relieve some of the burden of work will help too. I have discovered how bad I am at house work, I think I have always been bad at it, but now I know it. Dwi seemed to effortlessly keep everything so tidy. I truly miss having staff!

  4. Anonymous11:12 am

    Hi JenJen

    Can i ask for any recommendations you have for the place in Sambolo. We have left our holiday arrangements to the last minute.. so no Bali for us this Christmas but Sambolo looks great.
    Feel free to email me at


  5. I just found this:
    Looks like there might not be a quick fix :( just in time for the silly season too!

  6. Jen...

    Have you never had hired help here in J-town?

    The days are always a good time to unwind and chill before coming back to the daily grind.

    Enjoy your time back in Oz and in the supermarkets.

    Having a bit of trouble finding the weet-bix myself. Although I did see a box in Carrefour today but they were like a week from expiration.

    How's the studying going by the way?

  7. Hi Tanya

    I agree, it is not going to change any time soon! It will be a long 'dry' wet season.
    We went to brunch at the Ritz Carlton on Sunday and they only had red wine.....

    Hi Rob

    Yes we did have staff, but we realised that we were paying them to make our lives miserable! It is an epic story, I will fill you in when I get back!
    I am having so much fun in Woolworths....I haven't hit a mall yet, the supermarket is more than enough to make me happy!
    I will do a post soon about uni but I got 2 high distinctions and 1 distinction....I am very pleased with myself!

    I will email asap, but briefly, we love Sambolo but it is like camping---you must bring EVERYTHING!


I've put word verification on as I'm being bombarded with spam, hopefully I will be able to remove it soon!