Thursday, December 18, 2008

Sydney and Alzheimer's.

The kids and I are in Sydney and are juxtaposed between the joy of fresh air plus western supermarkets and the anguish of living with Alzheimer's. It is really tough to put it mildly.

I am stuck in the suburbs this week...I have not been to a mall in many weeks :(
Next week I should have a hire car and have some time out with the kids:)
And maybe some shopping time............

To end on a positive note, I got my uni grades:- two High Distinctions (the highest grade) and one Distinction (2nd highest grade). I have added a Science Communication major to my B.E.D degree, I will eventually be able to teach science and information tech/communication from year 1 through to year 10 as well as all primary teaching.


  1. Anonymous11:18 pm

    Congrats jen on your distinctions, a positive note on a stressful year. Raising 3 kids, living over seas(with expensive grog!) and having a mum doing it tough. Merry xmas and I hope 2009 brings all that you hope for.

    Thinking of you guys always


  2. Anonymous3:34 am

    Congrats on your grades! Good luck with your mom. Alzheimer's is so hard. Take care!


  3. Congratulations on your exams! How's your Mum doing?

  4. Another one to add congrats on your grades. Although, I must admit to having read about them somewhere else first ;)

    Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year to You and Yours. May 2009 turn out to be an even better year than 2008.

  5. Merry belated Xmas & Congrats for your distinctions Jen!


I've put word verification on as I'm being bombarded with spam, hopefully I will be able to remove it soon!