Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Dengue Fever in Jakarta

My middle little darling, Chelsea has Dengue Fever.
The Dr's at SOS clinic are looking after her very well; she is having daily blood tests to make sure that she does not develop any further complications.
Chelsea developed a fever as soon as she arrived in Sambolo, luckily we had some medicine with us and she was okay until we got back to Jakarta.
She is resting at home and is very bored, so she tells me lol.


  1. Dengue - Scary stuff! I'm always so worried about it here.

    Its good to hear that your daughter is recuperating well.

  2. oh no Mac had dengue in Samoa. No blood tests there just take him home, give him panadol and let him sleep. four days and nights of sweaty 40 degree fever induced night terrors later and he too was complaining of being bored! I sympathise...

  3. Anonymous6:32 pm

    Wishing her a speedy recovery.

  4. with the current unpredictable weather there are tons of mozzies out!

    my new house was swamped with them when we first moved in.

    now we swear by the Black Hole. I've got 2 at home and they have kept mozzies at the minimum.

    i believe you can buy them at most carrefours? it isn't all that pricey...retails around Rp499,000 for the indoor unit. I think its about Rp50,000 more for the indoor and outdoor unit.

    give it a try!

    oh it looks like this.

    don't bother with other brands don't seem to work!

  5. How is the kiddo? And how was the Ball? It was so much fun last year!

  6. Ok - so I'm finally getting some time to leave comments on my MOST FAVOURITE blogs (Easter Holidays are great!). Thank you for your blog - you were the one who helped my husband and I and our two little kids decide that Jakarta would be an OK place to come to live and work, almost a year ago last month when we accepted jobs for August 2008! We've been here since August and LOVE the crazy place! Having just recently taken our 4 year old to the Dr's with over 100 mozzie bites fearing Dengue (which luckily she escaped) I feel your worry and do hope your little one is OK now. Thank you for your blog!

  7. Yuck - good luck - it's not fun. I had the problem of not just one but two kids, that darned mosquito must have been hungry that day,....

  8. this is from March... ahemm....

  9. Hi Kathryn, I'm glad you like it here, we love it too!

    Ace, yes I is very neglected! I will work on it lol.

  10. I hope your daughter is fine. No posts after the Dengue news is not good, give us an update please.

    I also wanted to ask you whether you know any opticians for children in Jakarta. I want to have my four year old's eyes tested. thanks in advance for the help.

  11. Hi Selen

    I have emailed you.


I've put word verification on as I'm being bombarded with spam, hopefully I will be able to remove it soon!