Sunday, April 12, 2009


Chelsea has recovered well from her stint with Dengue fever. Here she is at an exhibit on diseases in the Singapore Science Centre.
Chelsea is now on first name basis with all the nurses at SOS clinic!
The night before we left for Singapore, she slipped and fell on the wet floor tiles in the garage and I was almost certain she had broken her arm...again.

Luckily I was wrong, it was just a bad sprain.

GJ was stuck in horrific traffic after an afternoon of torrential rain and accompanying floods, so we were car-less. My wonderful neighbour came to the rescue and took us to the emergency room where we got these 'cool' x-rays of Chelsea's arm.

This is when you realise one of the realities of expat life, in emergencies you get yourself to help.
No ambulance, no blood bank etc; these are the things you take for granted in Australia, yet for millions of people in the world they are services that are not available.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear that, but thank God she's alright!

    It's true that most of hospitals in Jakarta don't have decent ambulances (in fact, some of the ambulances are no different than regular transportation due to minimal medical equipments). As for the blood bank, well we actually have one called PMI (Palang Merah Indonesia). However still, there's huge possibility they run out of the supplies or even worse they don't provide the blood type you want.


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