Monday, April 27, 2009

The German Ball, Jakarta 2009

We are now officially Ball junkies!

This was the inaugural German Ball in the newly renovated Hotel Kempinski Jakarta.
The ballroom was magnificent, in the collage there is a photo of the huge chandelier which dominated the room.

We were the only non-German speaking table there and I think we were getting a few tiny frowns for whispering through some (long) speeches. We had a wonderful couple at our table who informed us of the term 'ball junkie', (hi V and O, see you at the BWA ball!).

I think that this was one of the best balls we have been to in ages, the band was great and we danced until the wee hours.We ended up at a doof, doof night club in Kemang and managed to just get home before dawn.

The British Women's Association Ball is on next month, it has a lot to live up to!

Although the ball was so much fun, I do think our friends made all the difference. We always have fun with them whether we are at a beach hut with frizzy hair, covered in sand and bug spray or all gussied up at a ball!

Our German friends are definitely getting an Australian accent and outlook!

There was a photographer following us at the club snapping innumerable photos...goodness knows what they will be like, it was after 2am and the ball started at 6pm.......

1 comment:

  1. hey!! i just caught up on your blog :) so fun. you guys are really adventurous and have such a great attitude. I can't believe you WANT to come to china. ha lol. so neat what you're doing. have a blast. :)


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