Friday, April 17, 2009

Sentosa Island, Singpaore

We had a great day at Sentosa Island, Singapore on Good Friday.

This was our first every visit to this popular resort spot, it is a 10 minute taxi ride from the centre of the city.
We decided to take the cable car across to the island, (you can drive, take a monorail, taxi or bus) we loved it, BUT if you are scared of heights don't!!!!!!!!

The kids loved being so high and when they realised that they were actually going through a high rise tower they were gobsmacked lol!

(You can click on the photos for a larger view)
Once we got off the cable car, we took the scenic bush walk down to the beach and strolled along the beach front to Palawan Beach. I had a wonderful cold soda water in a cafe at the waters edge while GJ took the kids swimming. Georgia was bitten by some sea lice and was soon out and took Chelsea with her, Ben likes the water but playing in the sand is much more fun, so GJ ended up having a leisurely swim.

The beach was very crowded and then I saw it.......

Something dark and swimming close towards the shore......

(cue Jaws theme music)

The crowd started tittering and there was a mass exodus to shore as there was a huge (1.5m+) lizard (monitor?) swimming to shore.

It must be pretty common as every one gave it some space and were back in the water with in minutes!

After a snack we caught the free tram and did a quick island tour before ending up at the luge ride. We caught the open air sky ride to the top and then speed down the mountain on these go-kart/toboggans.
If you are scared of heights, this is definitely not for you!

Back at the top we were pleased to find a Subway.....(the chain is not in Indonesia) and oh my, it was good!

The island was crowded when we went, but it was a public holiday for Good Friday. I would be here all the time if I lived in Singapore!


  1. Beautiful!! Your trio's faces are changing again. They look older, especially the girls.
    Sea lice!?! Would that be sand fleas? Sand crabs? Translate please.

  2. They have all just had growth spurts. Ben in particular has lost all his little kid-ness!

    Sea lice are little critters that live in the ocean and feed on skin. They often get inside your swimsuit and feast!

    Usually you don't feel the bites immediately, but you end up with an itchy red rash of little bumps.

    I suppose you could say they are just like sand flies but are a marine animal.

    They are very common in Australia.

    Georgia felt the bites straight away and came up with a cluster of blisters by the time she hit the shore. The itchiness started about 4 hours later, after the sting had faded.

    We haven't noticed them in Indonesia, but I am sure that they are around.

  3. hey, i am in Sentosa right now!


    you need to write more often!!


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