Saturday, May 15, 2010

Every uni assignment this year so far a High Distinction ***

I am nearly ready to snap out of my funk and denial and start to post again.......soon I promise lol.

GJ and the kids are all well, as I am; I'm snowed under with uni assignments (as per usual) and an upcoming prac in Perth...which means 4 weeks away from the family...

I've never, EVER left them for that long before!

I was recently offered a special program for honours students. It was for a post Grad. degree; a Masters of Business Management to be completed concurrently with my main degree.

I would graduated with a Bachelor of Education with a Minor in Science Communication as well as a Masters of Business. I would love to do this....slowly of course.

Unfortunately you can only do it internally, on site in Perth.....hopefully this will change in the future as I would love to do this! I can't see us moving to Perth in the near future!

**** in order to achieve so well I over do it and the eyebrows are falling out, I look like a ravenous moth/silverfish has been at them.....TMI?


Shannon said...

Yay! Your back. Congratulations on the high distinctions.

Ashlee said...

Congrats on the grades! I'm heading to grad school in the Fall and I fear my perfectionist grade grabbing tendencies will be activated once more, to the detriment of my social life and blog lol.

Jakarta Rocks said...

Congrats on grades - think you might have left something out of your blog.....something rather important.

Jenny Quld said...

LOL, I did say I'm nearly ready to leave the denial behind...but not there yet lol.
Baby steps....

JMay said...

Congrats, good job lady!

Mama Gringa said...

Fabulous grades, Jen. You should be so proud of your achievements. We are! Hope the prac in Perth is a success... you learn so much when its hands on. :o)